The Acacia Strain – It Comes In Waves (Indie Exclusive, Neon Pink and White Vinyl)
The Acacia Strain – It Comes In Waves (Indie Exclusive, Neon Pink /White Vinyl)
- Indie Exclusive Edition
- Neon Pink / White Colored Vinyl
‘It Comes In Waves’ is a dark, sludgy, and grimey chemical fire of an album that slowly creeps along the edges of what can be considered doom, while also giving the listener a good punch in the gut when necessary via deathcore and hardcore sensibilities. It is without a doubt their most experimental release thus far, with every member taking new strides into uncharted territory. The album opens with ominous keys, over-distorted guitars and eerie female singing of ‘Our,’ before it sets down on a wickedly chaotic and mind-melting destructive path of riffs, pinches, pulverizing fast-paced drums, and Vincent Bennett’s bellowing growls. It maintains that breakneck energy for a good minute or so until it transforms into this borderline evil-sounding drone that puts the heavier sections on say, ‘Observer,’ to shame.
1. Our
2. Only
3. Sin
4. Was
5. Giving
6. Them
7. Names
LABEL: Closed Casket Activi
UPC: 196006651268